Anacheilium vagans (Ames) Withner & P.A.Harding, Cattleyas & Relatives: Debatable Epidendrums 124, t. 45, f. 1-38. 2004.
Bas.: Epidendrum vagans Ames, Schedul. Orchid. 6: 76. 1923.
TYPE: Costa Rica. Southern flanks of Irazú. 5000-7000 feet. “Sepals and petals white to cream, a violet purple median stripe on basal half. Lip white to cream with a white callus and about twelve purple stripes. Column green at the base with a purple stripe.” C.H. Lankester 461 (holotype, AMES; isotype, AMES).
Prosthechea vagans (Ames) W.E. Higgins, Phytologia 82: 376. 1997.
Encyclia vagans (Ames) Dressler & Pollard, Phytologia 21: 438. 1971.